General Information
School Hours
Teacher supervision and road patrols commence at 8.30am.
Parents/Caregivers are responsible for their children until this time. It is best that children arrive at school after 8.30am. After 8.30am once children have arrived at school for the day, they must not leave the school grounds without the permission of the duty teacher.
8.30am Children ready themselves for the day in the classroom (bags are put in the cloak area, lunches ordered and return slips are handed in)
8.55am: Start of the school day
11.00am Interval
11.20am: The second morning session begins
12.30pm Lunch break
1.00pm Pupils eat their lunch
1.15pm: Start of the afternoon session
2.45pm The end of a busy school day
Children must go home. There is no alteration to these times on wet days.
School Assemblies
School assemblies are held in the school hall every Friday morning from approximately 9.05 am - 9.40 pm. Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend assemblies where awards are given out and children perform or share their learning.